"Nu-i nimeni vinovat de neîmplinirile noastre. Limitele interioare sunt mai dureroase decât orice limită exterioară."
Constantin Noica
Fiecare om este unic!
Este un amestec de suflet si trup, de vise, sperante, caderi si urcusuri, dorinte ascunse sau exprimate, neimpliniri si realizari, frustrari si incredere in fortele proprii. Fiecare din noi se regaseste in aceasta descriere si totusi fiecare este unic, diferit, fiecare detine proportiile proprii din fiecare componenta.
Atunci cand balanta inclina prea mult spre ceva ce ne doare, ne raneste sau ne intristeaza, se dezechilibreaza si intervine un disconfort la nivel psihic.
Momentele acestea nu le doreste nimeni, dar ele vin iar noi trebuie sa facem fata atat prin propriile puteri, cat si cu ajutorul celor dragi din jurul nostru, cu ajutorul tuturor celor carora le pasa!
Cand un om are probleme de sanatate mintala, nu inseamna ca se anuleaza tot universul sau interior, experienta de viata, visele si sperantele, inseamna doar ca trebuie sa fie ajutat sa traiasca normal si sa-si foloseasca toate aptitudinile sau calitatile lui umane, sociale, profesionale.
Pentru aceasta este nevoie de comunicare.
Care om poate trai fara comunicare, fara impartasirea bucuriilor, a tristetilor, a realizarilor familiale, profesionale, materiale sau sociale?!
Nici o bucurie nu este suficient de mare fara impartasirea ei si orice tristete poate fi depasita mai usor cand ai pe cineva caruia sa i-o spui.
Marea problema contemporana a tuturora, pe care o stim dar n-o putem rezolva total este comprimarea timpului, senzatia ca nu ne ajunge timpul, ca alergam mereu si totusi nu reusim sa realizam tot ceea ce ne-am dori.
Din cauza timpului liber tot mai limitat, comunicarea prin intermediul Internetului a devenit o constanta a vietii noastre, avantajul fiind ca intr-un timp scurt putem transmite oricui, din orice colt al lumii, orice vis, orice parere printr-un simplu click sau dublu click. Nu este minunat?
Sigur ca nu poate inlocui un umar pe care sa te sprijini, pe care sa plangi, o strangere de mana pentru incurajare sau pentru a intelege ca nu esti singur, dar este totusi o forma de comunicare la indemana oricui.
De aceea cred ca este o idee minunata cea a proiectului Blogging the Dream, pentru ca pune in valoare tocmai persoanele cu probleme de sanatate mintala, acordandu-le sansa de a comunica tuturor ca sunt capabili, ca au aspiratii, ca pot accepta orice provocare, ca au nevoie doar de oameni care sa aiba incredere in ei, care sa le impartaseasca gandurile.
Si apoi este extraordinar ca cei implicati in proiect invata primii pasi in operare pe calculator dar si in insusirea limbii engleze cu ajutorul voluntarului Peace Corp Romania Betsy Rowley.
In felul acesta atat copiii de la Centrul Scolar Campulung Moldovenesc participanti la proiect cat si beneficiarii serviciilor de sanatate mintala, membri ai F.U. Orizonturi, beneficiaza de un program motivant intr-un cadru prietenos.
Am observat ca fiecare participant la proiect scrie in blog-ul personal despre ceea ce-i intereseaza si despre ceea ce iubesc sau de care au nevoie. Este si aceasta o forma de valorizare a sinelui: sa-ti exprimi gandurile deschis stiind ca cineva le va citi si poate le va impartasi.
Daca va fi posibil ca astfel de persoane din diverse colturi ale tarii sau ale lumii sa comunice intre ei, vor intelege ca nu sunt singuri si ca peste tot, indiferent de continent, tara, familie, educatie, faptul ca apare o problema de sanatate mintala este ceva obisnuit posibil de depasit prin sprijinul celor din jur, al celor carora le pasa!
Mirela Ungurean, Centrul Scolar Campulung Moldovenesc

“Nobody is to blame for our failures. Interior boundaries are more painful than any outer limit.”
– Constantin Noica
Everyone is unique!
Each person is a mixture of body and soul; of dreams, hopes, failures, successes, hidden or expressed wishes, unfulfilled achievements, frustrations and confidence in their own force. Each of us falls within this description; however each is unique and different in the proportions of each component. When this balance is tilted too much towards something that hurts us, we become wounded or sad, we are unbalanced and a psychological discomfort occurs.
Nobody hopes for these moments but they happen and we must face them with our own personal strength and with the help of our loved ones and those who care about us!
When someone has a mental health problem this does not mean his entire universe, life experiences, dreams and hopes stop. It simply means that he will need help to live as he once did, and to utilize all his abilities, as well as his human, social and professional qualities. In order to do this, communication is needed.
What person can live without communication; without sharing the joys, sadness, or achievements within his family, professional, social and material life? No joy is complete unless it can be shared with someone else, and any sadness is more easily overcome when you have someone with whom you can talk.
The biggest problem today is that we are familiar with this concept but we do not feel that we have enough time, as we are always running and still are not able to achieve what we want. Since leisure time is more limited, communication via the Internet has become a constant in our lives; being able to send any message, dream or opinion to anybody in any corner of the world with a simple click or two is a great advantage. Isn’t that wonderful? Sure, this communication cannot replace a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold for encouragement or an understanding of your loneliness but it is still a form of communication within everyone’s reach.
Therefore, I believe the Blogging the Dream project is a great opportunity for people with mental health problems to value themselves and communicate to the world that they too are able, have aspirations, can accept challenges, and need people who trust in them and share their thoughts. Additionally it is extraordinary that those involved in the project are getting to learn the basic computer operating skills and in English with the help of Peace Corps Volunteer, Betsy Rowley.
In this way, the children from Centrul Scolar, beneficiaries of mental health services and members of Horizons Foundation, all within Campulung Moldovenesc or surrounding villages, are getting to participate in a motivating program within a friendly atmosphere.
I have observed that each participant is writing about their own interests, loves and needs on their personal blogs. This is a form of self validation; to openly express your own thoughts knowing that someone can read and share them. If it is possible for participants to communicate with other people in various parts of the country or even the world, they will understand that they are not alone and that everywhere, regardless of continent, country, family or education, that a mental health problem is something that is possible to overcome with the help of those around them and those who care!
Mirela Ungurean, Centrul Scolar Campulung Moldovenesc