Ideea unui program de folosire a blogului ca modalitate de advocacy pentru persoanele cu probleme de sanatate mintala ne-a entuziasmat, asa ca am trecut la scrierea propunerii de proiect. Mara, Roxana si Gabriela, carora li s-a alaturat si Betsy, voluntara ce venise deja sa o inlocuiasca pe Mara, au gandit proiectul si au formulat cererea de finantare. Sincer, nu ne asteptam ca Orizonturi, o organizatie relativ mica, de undeva din nordul Romaniei, sa obtina acest microgrant atat timp cat organizatii si oameni din intreaga lumea puteau aplica. De aceea bucuria a fost si mai mare, iar sentimentul responsabilitatii privind implementarea lui pe masura.
Over a year ago our former Peace Corps Volunteer, Mara, told us about the micro-grants from Rising Voices, an outreach program of Global Voices, that was collaborating with the Open Society Institute to focus on public health issues involving marginalized populations.
The idea of a program that uses a blog as a form of advocacy for people with mental health problems filled us with enthusiasm, and we immediately started writing the project proposal. Mara, Roxana, Gabriela and Betsy, the new Peace Corps Volunteer who recently came to replace Mara, formulated the project and submitted the application. We honestly didn’t expect that Orizonturi, a small organization in northeastern Romania, would receive this micro-grant because organizations and people from all over the world were eligible to apply. Thus we were overjoyed and felt a great sense of responsibility to successfully implement this project.
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